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How to Order Food in Spanish

By Maria Berkeley

Knowing how to order food in Spanish is essential, whether you are on a short visit to a Spanish-speaking country or planning to live there. Even if you don't speak a word of Spanish, it will only take a few minutes to learn some basic phrases so that you are able to communicate in a Spanish restaurant. Spanish speakers are very patient with English speakers and are ready to help in identifying local dishes and ingredients.

The first thing you want to do is to ask for a table. 
Waiter, a table for two." In Spanish, you will say "Camarero, una mesa para dos". 
Or if you have a table reserved, then you will say, " Tengo una reserva para Maria". This means " I have a table reserved in the name Maria."

Summon the waiter by saying, " Hola. La carta, por favor" ("Hello. The menu, please!") once you've been seated. The waiter will bring you a menu and ask, "Would you like to drink something?"("Quieres tomar algo?").

Let the waiter know you want to order by saying, "I would like to order dinner now." In Spanish, this would be, "Quiero pedir una cena ahora."

Request drink by saying, "And to drink, we would like..."( "Y para tomar, quisieramos...")
Say "yo no entiendo" ("I don't understand") if the waiter asks you a question you can't translate.

Ask for the bill by saying "me trae la cuenta, por favor?" If you want to pay through credit card, ask them, "Aceptan tarjetas de credito?" (Do you accept credit cards?)

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4364650

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